
人生是什麼? 只用了4 4 個字, 就把人生講完了... 所以人與人, 有啥好計較的咧? 快樂好相處比較重要啦!
1 歲 時 出場亮相
10 歲 時 功課至上
20 歲 時 春心盪漾
30 歲 時 職場對抗
40 歲 時 身材發胖
50 歲 時 打打麻將
60 歲 時 老當益壯
70 歲 時 常常健忘
80 歲 時 搖搖晃晃
90 歲 時 迷失方向
100 歲 時 掛在牆上

What is life ? Only 44 words needed to describe full cycle …, so live and let live ? More important to be happy and live in harmony.
1 yr old, show yourself;
10 yr old, study comes first;
20 yr old, looking for partners;
30 yr old, stress with career;
40 yr old, getting fat;
50 yr old, play Mahjong;
60 yr old, old but strong;
70 yr old, memory failing;
80 yr old, cannot stand steady;
90 yr old, can't find the way;
100 yr old, photo on the wall.

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